Honest conflict has more social value than dishonest harmony.
But lets resolve it.


Our services in the area of Dispute resolution cover the following areas:

Our expertise covers from Prevention to Resolution with appropriate documentation of Legal framework.

Under the recently enacted Mediation Act, 2023 an Agreement signed by the parties pursuant to Mediation is treated as a decree of a competent court which can be readily executed, in the unlikely event of a default. But our team of Mediators work towards a self-executing Settlement Agreement to the extent feasible.


We offer training in Mediation and Mediation Advocacy to lawyers, in-house counsel, judges and other professionals.

Training includes :

We offer both Online as well as in Person training adopting interactive and unique experiential methodology with a hands-on approach while providing a theoretical grounding of the process of legal Mediation.


Our Mediation methodology is informed by the nuances of human relationships, the commercial environment and possibilities, and the Legal framework.

Our experts would study the dispute in the most objective way, listen to the needs, interests and concerns of all parties, evolve options and submit proposals for resolution

We have a panel of experts to mediate disputes arising in the following specialised contracts:

Expert members of our team also help with: